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Coming Soon

What is MYMINOSAURCAM.COM?  It is an "App" that is going to be available for all smart phones, tablets and mobile devices later in 2021. And best of all, its for kids! You will just download the app, take a selfie of your face and then add your face to one of the dozens of Minosaurs that will be available. You will also be able to change colors, change your face, cartoon your face, add different clothes and masks, different hairstyles, add "tatts" and jewellry and lots and lots more. Like sending your Minosaur creation to friends, making cards, invites for birthday parties and just for fun.


Want to get on the Minosaur newsletter and be kept up to date on the progress of the Minosaur gang?  Get an OK from your parents to join our mailing list. There will be freebies and give-aways if you are on our list.


Want to find out more about the Minosaurs? Check out 

Minosaur is the property of  Greanwold Interactive Inc. Copyright 2010. All Rights Reserved.

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